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Books and TV shows by neurodivergent people
Many of the books and shows listed below have been recommended by members of our Facebook group. Please check any content all the way through first before showing it to your young person:
Non-Fiction Books:
The Awesome Autistic Go-To Guide: A practical handbook for autistic teens and tweens – Yenn Purkis and Tanya Masterman
The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide: How to grow up awesome and autistic and The Spectrum Girl's Survival Toolkit: The workbook for autistic girls - Siena Castellon
The Secret Life of Rose: Inside an autistic head - Rose and Jodie Smitten
A Different Kind of Normal - Abigail Balfe
Different, not Less: A neurodivergent's guide to embracing your true self and finding your happily ever after - Chloé Hayden
A perfectly weird guide to being perfectly you: Growing up Autistic and happy - Camilla Pang
The Reason I Jump – Naoki Higashida
Unmasked: the ultimate guide to ADHD, autism and neurodivergence – Ellie Middleton
Aspergirls – Rudy Simone
Fiction books:
Can You See Me? (and sequels) - Libby Scott
A Kind of Spark (and other books) – Elle McNicoll
Geek Girl (and sequels) – Holly Smale
The extraordinary adventures of Alice Tonks - Emily Kenny
Kiki Kallira breaks a kingdom (and sequels) - Sangu Mandanna
Boy Underground - Isabelle Marinov
Frankie's World (and other books) - Aiofe Dooley
The boy with the butterfly mind - Victoria Williamson
The Infinite (and other books in the Leap Cycle) - Patience Agbabi
Underdogs (and sequels) – Chris Bonnello (for older readers who might enjoy The Hunger Games type of fiction)
TV drama:
A Kind of Spark – BBC
Geek Girl – Netflix
Pablo – BBC
​If you know of other great books or resources by neurodivergent people that you think should be on this page, please drop us a line at ​